Lucia in the Sky

Acknowledge the signs life gives you. Next time you are going to perform any ordinary task like walking to the library or cleaning the dishes or catching up with a friend, bring your camera. I want the photographer in you to creep out unnoticed and subtly. Look at life from different angles and capture chiaroscuro inspired moments. Acknowledge the signs life gives you and document them.

thank you parija.

31 May, 2007

heaven on earth

i just thought this was a beautiful picture, and i wished to share it with everyone. I find poloroids pictures to be very effective, but here we have a picture in a picture [kinda cool eh?]. Well hope you enjoy it, and if there are poloroids you'd like to share pleaseeeee post. I'd love to see them =]

23 May, 2007


we might not want to crush the grass with our bare feet, but the most amazing feeling in the world is the sole of our feet touching that grass. The ground which was made to walk upon, the ground that was made to breath from, the ground that was made for that sunflower to grow upon. So love it, live it, and enjoy its flawlessness. After all it is the one feeling that binds us to our inner childhood.

Knots of Wood

Wikipedia says: A knot is a particular type of imperfection in a piece of timber, which reduces its strength, but which may be exploited for artistic effect. In a longitudinally-sawn plank, a knot will appear as a roughly circular "solid" (usually darker) piece of wood around which the roughly parallel fibres of the rest of the parts and rejoins. ------------>

A knot is actually a portion of a side branch (or a dormant bud) included in the wood of the stem or larger branch. The included portion is irregularly conical in shape (hence the roughly circular cross-section) with the tip at the point in stem diameter at which the cambium (where plant tissues originates) was located when the branch formed as a bud.

13 May, 2007

Reflections of Light

These images show the reflections of light, from a glass window and door on an ordinary wall and stair case. Opening my eyes and capturing this spectacle was something I've always wanted to do. As a child I would pass my hand through the rainbow light and watch the hue shift on my skin or I would open and close the door and watch the light dance, just for me, on the white walls. Have you seen the reflection of light?

08 May, 2007

Stop Pretending

थे ग्रेट तेअचिंग्स उनानिमौस्ल्य एम्फासिज़े ठाट अल थे पास, विस्दोम, एंड जोय इन थे उनिवेरसे अरेअल्रेअडी विथिं उस; वे डॉन'त हवे तो गिन, देवेलोप, ओर अत्तैं थेम. लिके अ चाइल्ड स्तान्दिंग इन अ बौतिफुलपार्क विथ हिस एयेस शूट तिघ्त, तेरे'एस नो नीद तो इमागिने त्रीस, फ्लोवेर्स, दीर, बिर्द्स एंड स्काई; वेमेरेल्य नीद तो ओपन ओर एयेस एंड रेअलिज़े वहत इस अल्रेअडी हियर, व्हो वे अल्रेअडी अरे--अस सून अस वेस्टोप प्रेतेंदिंग वे'रे स्माल ओर उन्होल्य. ई कोउल्ड चरक्टेरिज़े नेअर्ल्य एनी स्पिरितुअल प्रक्टिस अससिम्प्ल्य बीइंग: इदेंतिफ्य एंड स्टोप, इदेंतिफ्य एंड स्टोप, इदेंतिफ्य एंड स्टोप. इदेंतिफ्य थे म्य्रिअदफोर्मस औफ़ देलुसिओं वे प्लेस उपों ओउर्सेल्वेस, एंड मुस्त थे कोउरागे तो स्टोप एअच वनडे. लिटिल ब्यलिटिल दीप इनसाइड उस, हे दिअमोंद शिनेस, थे एयेस ओपन, थे डॉन रिसेस, वे बेकोमे वहत वे अल्रेअडी अरे.
तात त्वं असी (थोऊ आर्ट ठाट). -बो लोजोफ्फ, फ्रॉम ३६५ निर्वाण, हियर एंड नोव ्य जोश बरन

The great teachings unanimously emphasize that all the peace, wisdom, and joy in the universe are already within us; we don't have to gain, develop, or attain them. Like a child standing in a beautiful park with his eyes shut tight, there's no need to imagine trees, flowers, deer, birds and sky; we merely need to open our eyes and realize what is already here, who we already are--as soon as we stop pretending we're small or unholy. I could characterize nearly any spiritual practice as simply being: identify and stop, identify and stop, identify and stop. Identify the myriad forms of delusion we place upon ourselves, and must the courage to stop each one. Little by little deep inside us, he diamond shines, the eyes open, the dawn rises, we become what we already are.

Tat Twam Asi (Thou Art That). -Bo Lozoff, from 365 Nirvana, Here and Now by Josh Baran

07 May, 2007

The things I have come to notice...

These photos capture the places I live, the plants I eat, and the person I love. What have you been looking at lately?
  1. टाप , tap, TAP, tap, t-t-t-tap, searching for ree boppers.

Oh the power of onomatopoeias! Our metacarpals are an underrepresented and underappreciated essential part of our body. I mean, if you think for a second there is an entire language where people move there hands to communicate and here, we have a person that presses keys on a piano and highly meticulous harmonious sounds are produced. Or, the hands of a visual artist for another example, with a stroke of a pencil s/he creates an unimaginable piece of art. Oh the power of hands!

  • Finocchio